[Very Easy Recipe] Prepare Hong Kong Style French Toast in 10 minutes (Recolte Airfryer)
Use Airfryer to cook French Toast is quite easy. It only takes about 10 minutes to prepare. After you put it in Airfryer, you can play games until it is done. But, please be reminded that Airfryer takes longer than deep fry in oil. So if you are hungry, please read (deep fry recipe).
1. 把氣炸鍋調至180度,預熱10分鐘。
1. Turn Airfryer to 180 °C, preheat 10 minutes.
2. 氣炸鍋預熱時,把以下的步驟完成。
2. While airfryer is preheating, finish the following steps
(材料:麵包2塊 雞蛋1隻 牛奶 1湯匙 油少許 鹽少許)
(Ingredients: Bread*2 slices Egg*1 Milk*1 Spoon Oil little Salt little)
2-1 打蛋,加入牛奶, 少許油少許鹽,一起拂勻。
2-1 Mix the egg with milk, little oil and salt
2-2 把蛋液倒入平面兜,放入麵包吸收。
(可按口味預先塗在麵包上, 如花生醬)
2-3 Pour the egg into a flat container, put the bread in to absorb.
(You can spread favor e.g. peanut butter on the bread slices before that)
3. 把吸滿蛋液的麵包放在牛油紙上,然後後放進氣炸鍋。
(Well now airfryer preheat should have completed)
3. Put he mixed bread on non stick cooking paper, then put it into airfryer.
4. 先把第1面焗10分鐘。
4. Please cook the first side for 10 minutes.
5. 然後反轉第2面,再焗5分鐘。
5. Turn to next side, cook another 5 minutes.
完成!! 加上牛油,港式西多士已經可以享用了!!
Complete!! Add butter on top, now you can enjoy Hong Kong Style French Toast !!
今次係白雪姬第一次寫的食譜。 寫的原因主要係因為自己好鐘意食西多士,這段日子WFH的時候也會做來自己吃,於是便想到可以跟大家分享一下。如有寫得不好的地方,歡迎給我意見。
(My little words)
This is my first time to write a cooking recipe. The reason why I write this receipt is because I like Hong Kong Style French Toast so much and I always cook this during WFH period. If I did not write well, please leave me a comment.